Thursday, November 27, 2008


Today was our first Thanksgiving as a married couple. We stayed home and had Will's brother Daniel over. We had a big turkey feast. We sat around the table and said what we were thankful for and then I read a story. We all enjoyed each other and enjoyed the games too. I had to wake up early to watch the Macy's parade but Will did not want to. This was his first time of many to come. This was my first of many Thanksgivings to watch football all day. I put a lot of love into the food and was so grateful for this beautiful day. I am so blessed to have my family in my life. I love my husband just for all he does for our family. I had a great day with my family. We missed all the rest of our family and were sad to not have been with them too. We eat a lot and still have lots left over. I cant wait to eat more this weekend.


Jaclyn said...

I am so impressed that you did that all yourself! This was the first year I helped with all the cooking, and finally learned how to do a turkey -- it was really fun! You look great! Happy Thanksgiving!

Paige said...

Its so nice to meet all of Wes' friends even over blogs. Thank you for your sweet comment. Do you know Wes from California or Utah? I would love to get to know you more too!