Saturday, February 7, 2009

Update on the Arreola's

We have been a little busy these past few day. I have been looking for a job for awhile now and I just got one. I started Friday . Will has been sick and now I'm sick. It always happens when You get a knew job. I hate being sick. I love my job its fun I take care of kids at a gym. So today Will and some guys from Church played some football. Will loves to play football. Before he left he was so happy to like a little boy in a candy store. When he came home he was so happy to tell me that he kicked butt. That's my husband for you.

I love to see my husband so happy after he wins a game. I love you babe and am proud of you. Your the best husband ever. I can't believe that next month we will have been married for a year. That is so crazy how time flies by . Being married is the best thing ever. I cant wait to have a family soon . Now that I have insurance we can start a family. We are so happy about that. We wanted to go out today but I am to sick to do anything. So we went the other day to see slum dog millionaire and loved it. We think that everyone should go and see it.

Will getting ready for his game !!!!

Will's new shoes for football.
My center piece on my table for Valentine's . I love all holiday's .